Real conversations about career changes, corporate challenges and successful client strategies.
Grab your beverage of choice - it's a skim latte for Kellie - and join us.
coffee with kellie
An interview with Forbes Australia.
Q. How did your journey in futureproofing organisations begin? Can you share your personal experience and what led you to focus on this area?
To futureproof ourselves and our careers, and preserve our livelihoods, we must reset and align with the new world of work. Knowing your purpose gives meaning, joy and direction to your life.
In our increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever to know what you stand for.
Three keys unlock the doors and using them opens up a whole world of more aligned, impactful opportunities that amplify your career and impact.
With workforce changes worldwide, there are more restructurings and redundancies than in previous decades. It is affecting all levels of the workforce. Organisations are continually reviewing, resetting, redefining and reshaping, rebalancing and evolving their workforce requirements. Unemployment and underemployment are impacting millions worldwide.
The Future of Work and the fourth industrial revolution are here. Careers have changed and will continue to change rapidly and significantly.
The question is: Will you change with the times, or will you be forced to change because of them?
There are eight key global trends that you need to be aware of that are influencing you and your career choices. Find out what they are.
Once upon a time, I was leading a team who helped people find work in organisations where they could make their best impact in their career – a dream come true! I’d always prided myself on proactively managing my career and taking roles that were in line with my values and that allowed me to grow and to make an impact. That’s what made my role at the time so magical – I was helping other people do the same.
I've mentored Moya for 12 months and we will share some of the key tools, strategies and mindsets that really helped her to build her limitless career and the impact it had on her engagement, fulfillment and that of her clients and business.
We discuss some of the strategies, mindsets and tools we worked on that lead her onto her Limitless career.
For a real conversation about career challenges with Moya Steele, a woman who had 'made it' - Partner of a Law Firm, Board roles etc.
To find out what was the turning point for her and the most important career question the lead her onto her Limitless career.
Join me for part 2 of my Coffee with Kellie chat with the fabulous Marcelle Gammal, founder of Marcelle Gammal HR Consulting.
In this episode, Marcelle talks all about stepping outside of our comfort zone, specifically as she went from being an employee to a business owner.
Meet my dear friend, client and this week's 'Coffee with Kellie' guest Marcelle Gammal founder of Marcelle Gammal HR Consulting.
In this 'Coffee with Kellie' episode, Marcelle talks us through her decision to leave her corporate HR role and set up her own consultancy.
Today I am excited to share the final part of my ‘Coffee with Kellie’ with Corporate Creator and Founder of Gorgeous Presence, Amanda Coneyworth.
Amanda talks to me about the importance of giving herself permission to "be herself" and how that has enabled her to create value for her existing clients and establish new business opportunities.
Join me for Part 2 of my ‘Coffee with Kellie’ with Corporate Creator and Founder of Gorgeous Presence, Amanda Coneyworth.
After watching Part 1, you would be aware that Amanda was suffering massively from identity overwhelm when we began working together.
This week’s ‘Coffee with Kellie’ is Part 1 of my chat with Corporate Creator and Founder of Gorgeous Presence, Amanda Coneyworth.
When I first started working with Amanda, she was suffering massively from IDENTITY OVERWHELM.
Wow… the hits keep on coming for an industry that I used to be so proud to be part of. I loved my corporate roles in Banking & Finance and it used to be part of my career highlights and something I’d showcase proudly. Now…unfortunately I don’t.
Lores and I met at a Telstra Business Women's Awards night and clicked immediately. We have been working together on superpowering her business and life ever since. She is amazing but, like us all, can get a bit lost working out the right business strategy and model to fit with the changes in her life.
In the year of #PressforProgress, what progress have we actually made and where are the biggest areas to make meaningful progress by next International Women’s Day?
Let’s keep in mind the definition of Progress: “to continue to develop and move forward, to get on with, to give your time to something and make progress with it..
Last week I introduced you to my 'Coffee with Kellie' guest, the super talented and creative Lores Giglio.
I have loved working alongside Lores as she makes the huge next step in career, business and life.