Coffee with Kellie - Lores Giglio, LSG Creative
I am excited to introduce this week’s Coffee with Kellie guest, the super talented and creative Lores Giglio.
Lores and I met at a Telstra Business Women's Awards night and clicked immediately. We have been working together on superpowering her business and life ever since.
She is amazing but, like us all, can get a bit lost working out the right business strategy and model to fit with the changes in her life. We needed a model that enabled her enjoy her young family as well as maximising her business.
Well we've managed the business change and she is going GLOBAL. Lores is taking her family to Ibiza and her business to the next level! I couldn’t be happier for her having been alongside her as she made this huge next step in career, business and life.
Grab yourself a cuppa, click on the image above (or here) and listen to Lores share her story in this week’s Coffee with Kellie.
K x
PS: Need more Founders + Creators tips over Coffee? For more episodes including conversations with Rabbit Hole Tea Founder Corrine Smith and Love Beauty Festival Creator Melanie Burnicle, visit here