together we ARE…FUTUREPROOFING organisations, LEADERSHIP and CAREERs

Development to fUTUREPROOF Your Leaders
Empower your leaders, strengthen your employer brand and become an employer of choice with my bespoke corporate leadership development initiatives. As more than just an executive coach, I take leadership coaching concepts to a whole new level, providing more practical and tangible systems that amplify your leaders. They become BIGGER, they become HIGHER IMPACT and they become HIGHER VALUE. As founder of STAND OUT Advantage, I have become a renowned career and leadership brand mentor, providing innovative and effective personal branding and leadership development programs that challenge the status quo and unlock the full potential of your leaders and organisation. I help to develop a limitless supply of authentic and aligned leaders that guide and inspire an ever-growing talent pipeline of professionals for years to come.
Empower Your Female Professionals and Expand Diversity of Thinking
Attract, grow and retain the best professional women for transformational business change by leveraging a professional female-owned business, who is a positioned authority on mentoring current and future female talent. As a key expert for many executive teams, HR leaders and boards, as well as the first to bring world leading Employer Branding results to corporate Australia, I can help your company win the war for talent, achieve gender balance and improve diversity of thinking and innovation. Offering bespoke, personalised leadership development programs based around your business needs, I am dedicated to seeing your business succeed by unlocking the full value and potential of your people. With a passionate focus on helping professional women in senior and middle management triumph together, I equip them with practical frameworks to build confidence, develop their leadership brand, influence and impact stakeholders more powerfully and amplify their voice and value in the workplace.
“From last to first in talent brand and now recognised as a Great Place To Work”
FMCG client
“60% improvement in employer brand reputation as an employer of choice”
Banking Client
employer of choice

Despite many organisations acknowledging the fact that gender balance and real diversity of thought is required for greater business success, many are struggling to meet diversity targets and are unsure how to make genuine, tangible improvements. I help to navigate this complexity and provide actionable recommendations and effective solutions which enable your company to overcome the challenges and succeed with developing awesome women in your team and business and unlocking Whole Intelligence within all. When applying my bespoke leadership development programs to your company, I introduce an impactful mix of executive coaching frameworks and personal, leadership and employer branding strategies to engage your leaders, achieve business goals and maximise business productivity. Through workshops, speaking, and tailored programs I transform your management team from Flatlining Leaders to FUTUREPROOFING Leadership Growth, and we develop a more limitless supply of authentic and aligned leaders that guide and inspire an ever-growing supply of engaged, evolving professionals for years to come.

Boost Employee Engagement & Improve Retention
Now more than ever workers are unhappy, dis-engaged and stressed in their careers.
85% of employees are unhappy in their jobs and the World Health Organisation outlines stress as the #1 health epidemic of the 21st century.
In Australia, mental health conditions cost workplaces approximately $11 billion per year. These sobering truth-bombs highlight the importance of placing value on your employee’s mental health and happiness at work. By equipping your leadership team with future proofing, practical and tangible frameworks to utilise their own strengths and superpowers, unlock their limitless potential and improve productivity, I help build your corporate culture to foster authenticity and strive for best, ever-increasing organisational performance in this future of work and business. Companies that foster diversity, support females in career progression and develop the ever-learning, more effective leaders will be the ones that thrive in a future of industry disruption and ever-increasing corporate responsibility.
I’ve judged Employers of Choice HR Awards for over 8 years now, the best of the best, and with my experience, I know the most important “how to”:
Build more leadership talent/your organisations talent pipeline
Create the most effective women in leadership to meet diversity targets and to exceed limits in this area
Become known as an Employer of Choice
Attract and recruit the very best talent to work for you
Leverage brands (Employer Brands, Leadership Brands, and Personal Brands) for never seen before business and personal outcomes
Unlock your organisation’s limitless success.
Let’s partner to build your organisation as an engaging Employer of Choice.
“Authenticity is a hallmark of Kellie’s approach to her mentoring and corporate programs and she does not shy away from giving honest and forthright advice, always in a constructive manner. The natural consequence of this is that Kellie develops ‘trusted advisor’ status with many of her clients and the programs Kellie works with us on are evidence of this. We value the fresh pair of eyes and different perspectives that Kellie is able to offer and we are confident she can anticipate the future needs of our business and provide sound advice on maximising our team’s potential”
Chief Operating Officer, Investment Banking & Capital Markets, Credit Suisse Australia