What Do I offer?
For Corporates/Businesses
From Frustrating Talent to Futureproofing Leaders - A dynamic, progressive and immersive program to leverage your leadership brands, unlock growth, accelerate leadership capability and amplify impact and value.
6 month and 12 month comprehensive programs.
Personal Branding
From Frustration to Fulfillment – 6 and 12 month online and in person coaching programs that amplify your brand and impact and leverage your time and fulfillment.
Women in Leadership Programs
From Losing to Limitless female leaders – Bespoke women in leadership initiatives that work to add awesome women to your management and leadership pipelines, uncover the full potential of female talent to fuel business growth and unlock diversity of thought and innovation to futureproof your organisation.
From Frustrated to Futureproofing Careers – A 12 month 1:1 online and in person coaching program that unlocks and transforms emerging talent, potential leaders, middle managers and senior executives into authentic, fulfilled and limitless careers, brands, leadership, and business growth.
Leadership Branding
From Frustrated to Futureproofing Leadership - A dynamic, progressive and immersive coaching program to identify and leverage your leadership brand, unlock growth, accelerate leadership capability and amplify your impact and value.
6 month and 12 month comprehensive 1:1 and group programs
TO SECURE your place, CONTACT ME at kellie@kellietomney.com TODAY!
What Do I offer?
For Individuals & Leaders
Career Coaching
From Limited/Lost to Limitless – A 6-12 month 1:1 online and in person coaching program that unlocks and transforms emerging talent, potential leaders, middle managers and senior executives into authentic, fulfilled and limitless careers, brands, leadership, and business growth.
Personal Branding
From Frustration to Fulfillment of your Potential – 6 and 12 month online and in person coaching programs that amplify your brand and impact and leverage your time and fulfillment.
Leadership Branding
From Flatlining to Futureproofing - A dynamic, progressive and immersive coaching program to identify and leverage your leadership brand, unlock growth, accelerate leadership capability and amplify your impact and value.
6 month and 12 month comprehensive 1:1 and group programs
Women in Leadership
From Losing to Limitless female leaders – Bespoke women in leadership mentoring that works to add you to management and leadership pipelines, uncover your full potential to fuel business growth and unlock diversity of thought and innovation to futureproof your career.
TO SECURE your place, CONTACT ME at kellie@kellietomney.com TODAY!
Take action now & contact Kellie to secure a place!